Saving Lives | Changing Minds

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Donation Total: $100


Disaster Response

 During a disaster, the department takes a lead role in responding efficiently and effectively to disasters in the following humanitarian Key sectors; Shelter, Food and Livelihoods, Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. Key activities undertaken during this phase can include: Construction of temporal shelter, construction of cooking shelters, distribution of shelter items such blankets and sleeping mats. Conducting emergency needs assessments, cash distributions. Construction of temporal latrines and bathrooms, distribution of WASH items such as multipurpose soap, chlorine.

  • Resource Mobilization: To provide immediate assistance, the department utilizes the Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) application process to obtain funds from IFRC. Assistance may be in the form of cash or the provision of non-food items such as blankets, sleeping mats, and multipurpose soap. 
  • Coordination: The department actively participates in response coordination meetings held at various levels to ensure effective collaboration and information exchange.

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